glaciers and ice sheets
sea-level rise predictions from glaciers and ice sheets
As part of the High-End Climate Impacts and Extremes (HELIX) project, I generated global glacier volume loss projections for climate scenarios that exceed the 2 degree Paris target. The projections were made by developing a glacier scheme for the JULES land surface model and forcing this with an ensemble of downscaled CMIP5 models.
For the ice2sea project, I developed a meltwater lubrication parameterisation for the Greenland ice sheet. The scheme was used by four ice sheet modelling groups to estimate the impact of meltwater-enhanced lubrication on future sea-level rise.
I contributed to the Glacier Model Inter-Comparison Project (GlacierMIP2) by developing and running JULES glacier volume loss experiments. GlacierMIP2 was a coordinated international effort to compare and improve global-scale glacier mass change models to reduce uncertainties in global glacier projections.